Produced by Patalog Theatre
In a house far away, a child wakes to the sound of screaming. Who will tell her what is really going on? And where will the discoveries she makes that night take her in the years to come?
A playwright of genuine audacity and assurance; Caryl Churchill is widely acknowledged as one of the world’s foremost innovators of theatrical language. Far Away is her masterwork, presenting audiences with a profound and unexpected vision of a world sliding into chaos. Arguably her most famous play, Far Away delivers a dazzling satire on the crude, but increasingly popular idea that there is a binary divide between virtue and iniquity; between good and evil; and most pertinent to the times we find ourselves in, between an 'us' and a 'them'.
Cast: Alison Whyte, Lucy Ansell and Darcy Kent, with Darcy Sterling-Cox and Noray Hosny
Director: Cassandra Fumi
Set & Costume Designer: Dann Barber
Lighting Designer: Rachel Burke
Composer and Sound Designer: Rachel Lewindon
Assistant Director: Kuda Mapeza
Associate Designer: Savanna Wegman
Technical Lighting Assistant: Spencer Herd
Stage Manager: Georgie Bright
Assistant Stage Manager: Finn McLeish
Producers: Ben Walter and Thalia Dudek
Pics: Cameron Grant
✭✭✭✭ “ Cassandra Fumi directs with commendable attention to detail while leaving ample room for the text and performances to fully register.” Ben Brooker - Australian Book Review
✭✭✭✭ “Cassandra Fumi’s is well-attuned to Churchill’s script and seeks out creative ways to amplify its themes in ways that make the most of Barber’s set. Fumi strikes a perfect balance between technical elements and actor performances across the board”
Guy Webster- Limelight
✭✭✭✭ “Cassandra Fumi’s unsettling, atmospheric production is moody and embraces the ambiguities of the text and absurd mundanities.” Darcy Turnbull - Theatre Matters
13th - 30th of July, 2023, fortyfivedownstairs