One sunny day in a quaint provincial square, Berenger and Jean have arranged to meet at a café before the town is thrown into chaos when one by one, its residents begin transforming into rhinoceroses. Ionesco’s absurdist cult classic locks horns with political extremism, conformity and responsibility at the end of the world, brought stampeding into the twenty-first century.
Directed by Cassandra Fumi
Writer: Zinnie Harris after Eugene Ionesco
Set Design by Jacob Battista & Dann Barber
Costume Design by Dann Barber
Lighting Designer: Rachel Burke
Composer & Sound Designer: Rachel Lewindon
Performed by Belinda Anderson-Hunt, James Cerché, John Marc Desengano, Joey Lai, Zachary Pidd, Cait Spiker, Jessica Stanley and Annabelle Tudor, featuring Alexandra Aldrich as the swing.
Stage Manager & Assistant Director: Georgina Bright
Assistant Stage Manager: Bridget Sweeney
Lighting Design Associate: Spencer Herd
Costume Supervisor & Maker: Christie Milton
Costume Intern & Maker: Ashley Reid
Costume Maker: Janne Barber
Set Intern & Maker: Jonel Factor
Art Finisher: Nell Ferguson
Cloud Cloth Makers: Ella Butler & Tilly Robba
Intimacy Director: Annabelle Tudor
Promotional Photography by Sarah Clarke
Production Photography by Darren Gill
Produced by Spinning Plates Co.
October 31st - November 17th, 2025, Fortyfivedownstairs
“★★★★ The faithfulness of Cassandra Fumi’s production to the mysteries and traditions of absurdist theatre will get up the nose of anyone who wants to ignore their capacity to turn into rhinoceros - and is stronger for it” The Age
★★★★…Fumi’s direction brings out both the humour and horror of conformity. Limelight
“Fumi’s tight control of the action – a wild mash of pantomime, burlesque, and meticulous ensemble work – is pitch-perfect”
Australian Book Review
“★★★★… aesthetically inventive and directorially adroit. Arts Hub