Ivan is a struggling actor who hasn’t yet achieved the recognition he feels he deserves. But all that is about to change when, one afternoon at the zoo with his friend Zack, he is swallowed whole by a crocodile.
Based on Dostoevsky’s short story, Tom Basden’s THE CROCODILE is a ferociously funny, eye-poppingly theatrical play about art, animals, and what happens when you try to take on the system from within… a crocodile.
Director: Cassandra Fumi
Writer: Tom Basden
Cast: James Cerche, Joey Lai, Cait Spiker, and Jessica Stanley
Set & Costume Design: Dann Barber
Costume Supervisor & Maker: Alexandra Aldrich
Design Associate: Savanna Wegman
Sound Design: Gabriel Bethune
Lighting Design: Spencer Herd
Stage Manager: Luci Watts
Assistant Stage Manager: Finn McLeish
15 – 26 February 2023 - Fortyfivedownstairs, Melbourne
★★★★½ “Director Cassandra Fumi has drawn together an inspired harlequinade: every element of stagecraft merges with guillotine-sharp synergy… The actors are hilarious, and extremely skilled.” Cameron Woodhead, The Age
“★★★★½…under the direction of Cassandra Fumi, is uproariously funny and it starts pretty much from the first moment. everything about Spinning Plates Co’s The Crocodile works”- Anna Hayes, Theatre Matters
“★★★★½…Cassandra Fumi’s talented direction, informed by an intimate knowledge of interesting avant garde stages, both in Melbourne and internationally, brings all the elements together and the overall impression is of a stylish, enjoyable, accessible and contemporary take on our moment, which resonates into the past. - Vanessa Francesca, Arts Hub
“This is such a clever, thoughtful piece of theatre…It should be remounted and toured interstate” - Richard Watts, 3RRR Smart Arts
“In this impeccable show, every element – text, cast, direction, costumes, set design, sound and lighting – all cohere into a brilliant piece of theatre. It is fun, it is funny, it is sharp and dazzling, and we are often dumbfounded at just how good it is – several cuts above so much else that is on offer.” Michael Brindley, Stage Whispers
Winner- Green Room Award for Direction (independent)
Director - Cassandra Fumi -
Winner- Green Room Award for Design (independent)
Set/Costume Design - Dann Barber -
Winner- Green Room Award for Performance (independent)
Performer - Cait Spiker -